Friday, July 19, 2013

Baking Soda Skin Treatment

I've been having a terrible skin week, so the instant I saw this pin I knew I had to try it. 

I started immediately. 


Not terrible, but not glowing. 

It went on pretty gloppy. Rubbing it in with a circular motion resulted in rubbing most of it off my face into the sink, but I kept at it until I had somewhat decent coverage. 


As it dried, it tingled. Not a burning sensation; almost like peroxide. 

I used the 5 minute drying period to scrub my sink with the lost remnants of baking soda. 


It wasn't dry yet, so I moved over to the kitchen sink. (Note: by now it was starting to burn a little). 

Sparkling again! I did not use the baking soda on the left side; I can clearly see a difference, can't you?

By the time it was fully dry, it felt like my face was cracking, which is typical of any facial mask. 

Headed back to the bathroom, and found that most of the chunks had fallen off, so I rubbed the rest of it in the described circular motion. I could feel the exfoliating effect immediately. 

It took a surprisingly long time to rinse it all off. My skin feels taut, like it does after any other mask, but also somehow cleaner. 

Glowing? I believe so! I think I'll keep this up. 

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